| Homeowners

A Guide to Stress-Free Decluttering

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You’ve undoubtedly heard that the only certainties you can count on in life are death and taxes. We have another to add to the mix: Everyone hates decluttering. We’re only half joking. You may know one or two people who are meticulously organized. Some people love finding the perfect place for everything and have no trouble disposing of items that are no longer useful. However, these are rare individuals.

For most people, the thought of going through your house and clearing out old belongings feels tedious and overwhelming. And yet, once it’s finished, there’s an incredible sense of freedom and accomplishment. Your house is transformed into a beautiful, organized oasis, and even you can barely recognize your own surroundings. 

If you’re selling your home, decluttering is the foundation of preparing it for its maximum value and potential. But even if you’re not, the benefits of living without clutter can not be overstated. This guide will give you some practical tips to help make the process painless, maybe even slightly enjoyable.

Picture the Benefits

Nothing will motivate you more than keeping all the benefits of a clutter-free home at the forefront of your mind. Visualize your goal, and you’re that much closer to achieving it. 

Just think of how you will feel coming home after a long day to a spotless house. 

  • Imagine opening a cupboard door to find that everything has been put away nicely. You instantly spot what you need, and miraculously, nothing falls on your head. 
  • Your closets and drawers are organized, and everything is in its place.
  • You can sit on your couch or recliner without having to clear a space first. 
  • Your tables and countertops are clear and tidy.

Getting rid of excess clutter saves you hours of rummaging through random drawers and closets to find what you need. Plus, your home seems so much more inviting and spacious. And with fewer unused items around to collect dust, you may even breathe easier. No wonder real estate agents place such a massive priority on cleaning and decluttering. With no mess to distract a potential buyer’s attention, your house often sells faster and for more money than one that is not prepared.

With a larger-than-life vision of what your house and life could look like once the clutter is gone, the task itself can seem much more manageable.

Decluttering is just the first step to spectacular success in selling your home. Want more ideas? Check out the posts below:

Create a Plan That Works for You

Everyone has a different personality and work style. Finding a system that works for you to stay on track is essential. For example, some people like to set aside a day or two and tackle the whole project at once. It’s all over and done with quickly, and now you can enjoy the results. 

However, this “all-at-once” approach doesn’t work for everyone. Many people are so overwhelmed by the thought that they’ll never get started. 

If that’s the case, another way to approach decluttering is to take it one step at a time. 

  • Don’t focus on the whole house. Instead, just look at a single room. 
  • If it still feels like an enormous task, break it down even further. 
  • Open one drawer and remove everything you haven’t used for the past six months. 
  • Throw away, recycle, or give away anything you don’t need, and keep only the essentials. 
  • Take a before and after picture of every area you declutter. Nothing is more motivating than seeing the results with your own eyes.

This approach takes a few minutes each day and brings you closer and closer to total organization. Once you get started, you may find that you’ve overcome the inertia that has been holding you back. As you discover the joy of clutter-free living, you may get a sudden burst of inspiration to keep going! 

Give Yourself a Realistic Deadline

If you plan to sell your home, you’ll have a built-in deadline. Your house needs to be thoroughly cleaned and decluttered before it can be staged. 

However, if you’re not selling, a deadline is still essential. Depending on your work style, give yourself a weekend, a week, or a month. In any case, a deadline will keep you focused and motivated. You can also let someone you trust know what your goals are so they can help hold you accountable.

Want to know more about the benefits and amenities of Toronto life? The following posts will give you some ideas:

Make a Continuity Plan

The real challenge isn’t the task of decluttering itself. It’s maintaining your home in a perpetual state of tidiness and organization. Life gets busy, and it’s easy to fall back into familiar habits. What can you do to ensure you stay clutter-free into the future?

  • Start by giving yourself a little bit of a break. Aiming for perfection is a recipe for procrastination and feeling overwhelmed. Keep in mind that your house is your home, not a museum. Keeping it free of clutter is for your enjoyment, so you can feel comfortable in your space.
  • Develop simple habits that are easy to maintain, like sorting mail as soon as you open it and hanging coats in closets instead of over chairs.
  • Invest in a few storage solutions so that it’s easy to find a place for all of your belongings.

Bring in Outside Help

Decluttering can feel like a very personal process. However, there’s no law saying you can’t recruit help for most of the house. Your friends and family members can be a valuable resource during this time. They can help you stay objective about things you want to keep that you should really let go of. 

Plus, the process is much more enjoyable with a box of pizza to share and the promise of a movie night afterward. 

Depending on how much work is involved, consider hiring an outside cleaning company. Nothing removes the pain and overwhelm from the process like someone else doing the job for you! The end result is still the same, a beautiful home free of clutter.

At Olea Real Estate Group, we offer full services to help you enjoy a stress-free, hands-off selling experience. If you’re ready to get started or have any questions, schedule a complimentary meeting with us below.